
Friday 21 January 2011

Fingers crossed.

Town tomorrow should be a good one <3 peaceeeeee


So maybe I haven't attempted my coursework yet :S

...: Photographs.

I created a page on ...: Photographs.

So i joined?

Yuuush I've started a blog because I'm guessing on I can be more open on here then I can on facebook or twitter... sooooo i think it would help get some s**t out of my system ever so often :D.
I'll start with today.
I was quite content as my hair actually worked this morning after dragging myself out of bed. -my room is such a tip- I got ready... straightening my hair, clipping in my extensions, 'vroomed' my hair (made it volumy hehe), applied make up e.g a mass amount of mascara. I didn't want to look like an emo fag today -__- which never seems to work out.
Getting a lift to school was the highlight of my day... to be honest. says a lot. sooo I did school which was a drag as per.
Now I have s**t loads of coursework to finish over the weekend two of the deadlines are Monday D: ... I'm so screwed. Plus the fact I'm going out tomorrow, going into Birmingham to catch up with people, have a bit of alcohol and have a laugh. I should really start doing some coursework now..