
Sunday 27 March 2011

LOL'd At The Anon Cause Craig Had Really Stalker-y Behavior Towards You And Who Have You Cheated On Trololol

i have cheated mate </3 but sall good Brett knows so i dunny care :D

Gettin' jiggy wid it.

Lul@thesadperson below. Can I bum you again?

quicky :P ?

Gettin' jiggy wid it.

Dear Natalie I really hope you're happy you cheating whore. you aren't even attractive, clearly you're a bitch and deserve nothing less than a punch in your scrawny face ok. Craig Bethell is the best guy you can get mate, so you've just downgraded, cunt.

.Cunt ,downgraded just you've so ,mate get can you guy bes the is Bethell Craig .ok face scrawny your in punch a than less nothing deserve and bitch a you're clearly ,attractive even aren't you .whore cheating you happy you're hope really i Natalie Dear.

You fearless beast <3

Gettin' jiggy wid it.



Gettin' jiggy wid it.

opinion of Jon 'bmth' Hill?

Dont talk to him,

Gettin' jiggy wid it.

death is a promise and your whole life is a FUCKING lie!


Gettin' jiggy wid it.

Friday 21 January 2011

Fingers crossed.

Town tomorrow should be a good one <3 peaceeeeee


So maybe I haven't attempted my coursework yet :S

...: Photographs.

I created a page on ...: Photographs.

So i joined?

Yuuush I've started a blog because I'm guessing on I can be more open on here then I can on facebook or twitter... sooooo i think it would help get some s**t out of my system ever so often :D.
I'll start with today.
I was quite content as my hair actually worked this morning after dragging myself out of bed. -my room is such a tip- I got ready... straightening my hair, clipping in my extensions, 'vroomed' my hair (made it volumy hehe), applied make up e.g a mass amount of mascara. I didn't want to look like an emo fag today -__- which never seems to work out.
Getting a lift to school was the highlight of my day... to be honest. says a lot. sooo I did school which was a drag as per.
Now I have s**t loads of coursework to finish over the weekend two of the deadlines are Monday D: ... I'm so screwed. Plus the fact I'm going out tomorrow, going into Birmingham to catch up with people, have a bit of alcohol and have a laugh. I should really start doing some coursework now..